Sweet and sour

July 8, 2009 at 1:24 am (Cooking/Recipes) (, , , , )

So, I know that Sweet and Sour Chicken is not real Chinese food – I’ve been to China and eaten the real deal, so I am well aware of this fact. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t taste good and that I don’t get a craving for it now and again.

Given the bounty of CSA broccoli and other goodies in my fridge, I was trying to think of a recipe that could make good use of the variety of veggies in my crisper. I did make a few changes to the recipe: I tossed in some mandarin oranges, substituted the white wine with some of the syrup from the oranges, and replaced the sugar with some Splenda to try and bring down the sugar content a bit. I also ignored the veggie amounts in the recipe and just put in whatever I wanted to and doubled the recipe for the sauce. My goal was to have plenty of leftovers for lunches.

The verdict? Yum, yum, and yum. While not authentic, and not necessarily super diet friendly, it was certainly better calorie-wise than the deep fried version at the local Chinese restaurant. It was also a lot cheaper to make.

Two enthusiastic thumbs up! Now if I can only find the recipe again, I can post the link to it!

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